martes, 12 de mayo de 2015






Short answer

Short  answer Negative
Simple Present
I speak English Today
I don't speak English today
Do i speak English today?
Yes, i do.
No, i don't
you / we / they

you speak english today
You don't speak English today
Do you speak English today?
Yes,you do
No,you don't

she / he / it
She speaks English today
She doesn't speak English today
Does you speak English today?
Yes,she does
No,she doesn't
Simple past
I/You/she/he/ it/we/they
You spoke English yesterday
you didn't speak  English yesterday
did you spoke
yes, he did
no, he didn´t

Present Progressive
Or continuos

I´m speaking   english now

I,m not speaking english now

Are you speaking english now?

 yes, i am     

no, i am not

You / we / they

You are speaking English now

you aren´t speaking English now

are you speaking English now?

yes, you are

no, you

she / he / it

she is speaking English now

she isn´t speaking English now

is she speaking English now?

yes, she is

no, she isn´t
Past Progressive or Continuous
I was speaking english last month
i wasn´t speaking english last month
was i speaking english last month?
yes, i was
no,i wasn't

you / we / they

we were speaking english last month

we weren´t speaking english last month

were we speaking english last month?

yes, we were

no, we weren´t

She / he / it

she was speaking english last month

she wasn't speaking English last month

was she speaking english last month?

yes,she was

no,she wasn´t

Simple Future
I/You/she/he/ it/we/they

he will speak english next week

he won´t speak english next week

 will he speak  english next week?

yes, he will

no, he won´t
Be going to

I´m going to speak english next year 
i am not going to speak english next year
are you going to speak english next year?
   yes, i am
no,i am not

She / he / it

she is going to speak english next year

she isn´t going to speak english next year

 is she going to speak english next  year?

  yes, he is

no, she isn´t

You / we / they

they are going to speak english next year

they aren´t going to speak english next year

are they going to speak english next year?

yes, they are

no, they aren´t

Present Perfect
I /you / we / they

we have spoken english for 2 hours

we haven´t spoken english for 2 hours

have we spoken english for 2 hours?

yes, we have

no,we haven´t

She / he / it

she has spoken english since 1997
she hasn´t spoken english since 1997
has she spoken english since 1997?
yes, she has
no she isn´t

Past Perfect
she / he / it /I/ you / we / they

you had spoken english last month

you hadn´t spoken english last month

had you spoken english last month?

yes, you had

no, you hadn´t



Simple Present

 I  speak English every year

you / we / they

 They speak English and French every year

she / he / it

She teaches English every year

Simple past
I/You/she/he/ it/we/they

Gabo wrote one hundred years of solitude

Present Progressive
Or continuos

I´m watching cartoon programs

You / we / they

You´re eating hamburgers

she / he / it

She´s sending an e-mail
Past Progressive or Continuous

I was dancing heavy metal music

you / we / they

We were studying Maths and English

she / he / it
She was speaking different french and german

Simple Future

I/You/she/he/ it/we/they

He will  read the speech

Be going to

I´m going to design the final project

she / he / it

She´s going to organize the international event in Colombia

you / we / they

They´re going to surf the net
Present Perfect

I /you / we / they

You have designed the English class

she / he / it

He has taken the school bus
Past Perfect

she / he / it /I/ you / we / they

We had sung romantic songs

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